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A federal judge has denied NASCAR's motions in an antitrust lawsuit filed by 23XI Racing and Front Row Motorsports, allowing the case to proceed.
BlackRock leaves Net Zero Asset Managers initiative due to confusion over practices and antitrust scrutiny by Republican officials.
The Justice Department sues major landlords for allegedly colluding to keep rents high, impacting millions of American renters.
NASCAR requests dismissal of an antitrust lawsuit by two teams, including Michael Jordan's 23XI, while pushing for bond requirements if the case proceeds.
Meta's new initiative allows select Facebook users to view eBay listings on Marketplace, aiming to address EU antitrust concerns.
The U.S. Justice Department accuses major landlords of colluding to keep rents high, exacerbating the housing crisis affecting millions of Americans.
Getty Images and Shutterstock are merging for $3.7 billion, aiming to thrive in the AI landscape despite potential antitrust scrutiny.
Three oil companies have agreed to pay a $5.6M settlement for allegations of illegal coordination during their merger, revealed by the FTC.
The DOJ's antitrust efforts target Google, potentially leading to a breakup of the tech giant's monopoly and impacting online competition.
Disney, Fox, and Warner Bros request a court ruling to allow the launch of Venu Sports, countering antitrust claims made by FuboTV.
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