David Fincher's Dark Vision for a 'Creepy' Harry Potter Film Revealed - PRESS AI WORLD
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David Fincher's Dark Vision for a 'Creepy' Harry Potter Film Revealed

share-iconPublished: Friday, January 03 share-iconUpdated: Friday, January 03 comment-icon2 months ago 16 views
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David Fincher's Dark Vision for a 'Creepy' Harry Potter Film Revealed

Credited from: THEDAILYBEAST

  • Director David Fincher, known for his dark films, was considered for directing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
  • He expressed a desire to create a version that was “creepy” rather than the traditional Hollywood style.
  • Fincher wanted to approach the story with a tone similar to the 1987 British black comedy Withnail and I.
  • The project ultimately went to Chris Columbus, who directed Home Alone.
  • Fincher's pitch was not aligned with the studio's vision, which aimed for a more lighthearted aesthetic.

For more details, visit the original article here.

