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Credited from: APNEWS
ROME — Pope Francis informed accredited ambassadors at the Holy See on Thursday that he was unable to deliver his annual foreign policy address and requested an aide to take over the speech. A congested-sounding Francis initiated his remarks by greeting the assembled ambassadors in the Hall of Blessings. However, just moments into the lengthy address, traditionally designed to summarize the past year's events, the 88-year-old pontiff disclosed his struggle with a cold and handed the remarks to an aide.
Having undergone the removal of part of one lung in his youth, Pope Francis frequently contends with respiratory ailments, particularly bronchitis during winter months, which hampers his ability to speak for extended periods. This year has been particularly demanding for him as he recently concluded the Vatican’s Holy Year celebrations following a busy Christmas schedule.
While he has exhibited signs of congestion in recent days, the Pope has maintained his active routine, showcasing his resilience even amid health challenges. For further details, see the reports from AP News and LA Times.
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